Nastavení sondy TT130-Heidenhain TNC530

Nastavení sondy TT130-Heidenhain TNC530 Sonda TT130 pro měření nástroje   MP 6500    : %000000001100001 MP 6502    : 0 ;————————————————————– ; MP6505 Probing direction for tool measurement ;Input: ;0 = Positive probing direction of the angle reference axis (0? ;1 = Positive probing direction in the 90?axis ;2 = Negative probing direction of the angle reference axis (0? ;3 = Negative probing direction in the 90?axis MP 6505.0  : 0          ; Traverse range 1 MP 6505.1  : 0          ; Traverse range 2 MP 6505.2  : 0          ; Traverse range 3 ;————————————————————– ; MP6507 Calculation of the probing feed rate ;Input: ; 0 = Calculation of the probing feed rate with constant tolerance ; 1 = Calculation of the probing feed rate with variable tolerance ; 2 = Constant probing feed rate MP 6507    : 2 MP 6508    : 0 MP 6509    : 0 ;————————————————————– ; MP6510 Max. permissible measuring error for tool measurement ;with rotating tool ;Input: 0.002 to 0.999 [mm] MP 6510.0  : 0.005      ; First measuring error MP 6510.1  : 0.01       ; Second measuring error ;————————————————————– ; MP6520 Probing feed rate for tool measurement with ;non-rotating tool ;Input: 1 to 10 000 [mm/min] MP 6520    : 500 ;————————————————————– ; MP6530 Distance from the tool end to the top of the probe contact ;during tool radius measurement ;Input: 0.001 to 99.9999 [mm] MP 6530.0  : 5          ; Traverse range 1 MP 6530.1  : 5          ; Traverse range 2 MP 6530.2  : 5          ; Traverse range 3 ;————————————————————– ; MP6531 Diameter or edge length of the probe contact ;Input: 0.001 to 99 999.9999 [mm] MP 6531.0  : 40         ; Traverse range 1 MP 6531.1  : 40         ; Traverse range 2 MP 6531.2  : 40         ; Traverse range 3 ;————————————————————– ; MP6540 Safety zone around the probe contact for pre-positioning ;Input: 0.001 to 99 999.9999 [mm] MP 6540.0  : 10         ; Tool-axis direction MP 6540.1  : 10         ; Machining plane ;————————————————————– ; MP6550 Rapid traverse in probing cycle ;Input: 10 to 1 000 000 [mm/min] MP 6550    : 5000 ;————————————————————– ; MP6560 M function for spindle orientation during ;individual tooth measurement ;Input: -1 to 999 ;       -1 = Orientation by NC ;        0 = Function inactive MP 6560    : -1 ;————————————————————– ; MP6562 M function bevor or after tool measurement cycle ;Input: -1 bis 999 [M function number] ;         -1 = Function inactive MP 6562.0  : -1       ;bevor cycle start MP 6562.1  : -1       ;after cycle end ;————————————————————– ; MP6570 Maximum permissible surface cutting speed of ;the tool tooth ;Input: 1.0000 to 120.0000 [m/min] MP 6570    : 50 ;————————————————————– ; MP6572 Maximum permissible speed for tool measurement ;Input: 0 to 1000 rpm ;       0 = 1000 rpm MP 6572    : 0 ;————————————————————– ; MP6580 Coordinates of the probe contact center with respect to ;the machine datum (traverse range 1) ;Input: -99 999.9999 to +99 999.9999 [mm] MP 6580.0  : -385.540   ; X poloha sondy (reference) MP 6580.1  : 1304.9  ; Y MP 6580.2  : -850.5    ; Z ;————————————————————– ; MP6581 Coordinates of the probe contact center with respect to ;the machine datum (traverse range 2) ;Input: -99 999.9999 to +99 999.9999 [mm] MP 6581.0  : +0         ; X position of probe contact (reference) MP 6581.1  : +0         ; Y MP 6581.2  : +0         ; Z ;————————————————————– ; MP6582 Coordinates of the probe contact center with respect to ;the machine datum (traverse range 3) ;Input: -99 999.9999 to +99 999.9999 [mm] MP 6582.0  : +0         ; X position of probe contact (reference) MP 6582.1  : +0         ; Y MP 6582.2  : +0         ; Z   Pozor! Při vlastním měření se nástroj točí !!! Vložit do vřetena kalibrační nástroj ,zapsát data do tabulky nástrojů a spustit kalibrační cyklus.   TOOL CALL 1 Z TCH PROBE 480 TT KALIBROVANI Q260=100 ; BEZPECNA VYSKA   Poté můžeme měřit pomocí cyklů: TCH PROBE 481;délka TCH PROBE 482;radius TCH PROBE 483;radius a délka,pozor prvně měří radius Q340=0;zapisuje do L a R v tabulce nástrojů Q340=1,zapisuje do DL a DR v tabulce nástrojů. Před měřením nutno zadat přibližnou délku a polomer do tabulky nástrojů.       Bez záruky nelze použít na všechny stroje!!!!!!!